Tadika Elitis Pintar/Taska Elitis

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Riadah Di Taman Orkid ( 23/05/2013)

Kali ini, anak2 TEP berpeluang beriadah di Taman Orkid....

Bergembira di sini....
Haiiii semua......
Nature Walk....lihat pokok, rama-rama...burung....

up and down...
down and up.....

Terima kasih pakcik kerana menjaga kebersihan Taman ini...
Kami dapat beriadah dengan gembira....

Gambar air terjun....sungai ni pun sebenarnya sungai buatan sahaja...tak ada air....

Hai kawan2...kami seronok tengok ikan di sini....

Wahhhh...ada burung Merak yang sangat cantik...Subhanallah....
Alhamdullilah, kami dapat lihat pokok kaktus...
Pokok adalah benda hidup...
Pokok memerlukan cahaya matahari dan air....
Sama macam eksperimen sains yang kita buat di kelas...
eksperimen tanam pokok tauge....

Masya Allah, cantiknya pokok Teratai ni...
Bunga Teratai hidup di dalam air...

Waahhhh...gelap rupa2nya di dalam gua buatan ni...

kat sini pun gelap juga...

Cantik gelongsor kat sini....

Kita sambung main kat Mc Donald pula...

Alhamdullilah semua dah lapar...
baca doa dahulu sebelum makan ye anak2....



Monday, 25 February 2013

Theme : At The Playground / In the Garden

Benefits for Children of Play in Nature

Children who play in nature have more positive feelings about each other (Moore 1996).

  There's no way that we can help children to learn to love and preserve this planet, if we don't give them direct experiences with the miracles and blessings of nature."
Anita Olds

When children play in natural environments, their play is more diverse with imaginative and creative play that fosters language and collaborative skills (Moore & Wong 1997, Taylor, et al. 1998, Fjortoft 2000).

Natural environments stimulate social interaction between children (Moore 1986, Bixler et al. 2002).

The Benefit of Playgrounds for children 


Playgrounds provide an opportunity for free play. Free play differs from the structured play of 
recess or organized sports and games. Playground free play allows children to play any way they 
choose, supported by a wide range of structures and spaces. Free play allows the child to explore 
according to his or her natural tendencies, and allows them to learn from one another and to 
interact with a wide range of age group

Playgrounds provide crucial and vital opportunities for children to play. There is substantial 
research showing the clear link between play and brain development, motor-skills, and social 
capabilities. All learning—emotional, social, motor and cognitive—is accelerated, facilitated, 
and fueled by the pleasure of play. Playgrounds that promote different types of play are vital for 
a child’s cognitive, emotional, physical, and social development.


Saturday, 16 February 2013

The Benefits of Sand Play

There are many benefits of sand play, the first being the development of the sense of touch through the texture of the sand. Sand play also develops the arm, wrist, and hand muscles, uses grasping and wrist control. It provides for creativity and imagination and is relaxing for the child. While playing with sand, a child also develops eye-hand coordination, experimentation with volume, weight, and measurement.

Social Development

Interactive and pretend play is how children learn and develop social skills such as 
verbal communication, sharing, helping, compromising, requesting, offering, and 
friendship building.  The sand/water table can be considered a smaller version of the 

Social skills include:
Peer interaction

Speech and Language Development
The gathering of children around an emotionally engaging activity promotes the use of 
spontaneous speech and language.
Speech and language skills include:
Spontaneous speech


Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Aktiviti Sepanjang Januari 2012

Alhamdullilah, hari ini 31 Januari 2013 merupakan hari terakhir untuk bulan Januari pada tahun ini. Anak-anak Tadika Elitis Pintar semakin gembira dan berseronok menjalani sesi pembelajaran sepanjang bulan ini...

Aktiviti sepanjang minggu orientasi

 Bermain Lego

Anak-anak tekun membuat carta kehadiran

Bermain doh

Sambutan Maulidur Rasul dan Majlis Hari Jadi adik Putri Nurliyana Assyura

Tekun menyiapkan poster " we love our prophet Muhammad s.a.w"

Apa yang penting kerjasama :D

Alhamdullilah, Adik Putri yang berkongsi hari jadi pada 12 Rabiul Awal.....

Jutaan Terima Kasih kepada semua ibu bapa dan anak2 TEP yang sudi membawa juadah dari rumah untuk dikongsi bersama2 bersempena dengan sambutan Maulidur Rasul di Tadika Elitis Pintar :D

Monday, 19 November 2012

Hari Graduasi dan Kreativiti 2012 ( Dewan Harmoni)

Pentas kami.............

Barisan guru-guru yang bertungkus lumus menjayakan Hari Graduasi dan Kreativiti 2012
( Teacher Fatihah, Teacher Mimi, Teacher Ani, Teacher Hidayah dan Teacher Na )


TAHNIAH ! Pelajar-pelajar enam tahun yang akan memasuki darjah 1...

Persembahan pembukaan....

Persembahan Tarian Ikan Kekek....